Introduction to JSON & YAML🐍
JSON : JavaScript Object Notation
JSON is a data format used for structuring data in a readable and lightweight manner.
Its primary purpose is to store and transfer data between web browsers and servers.
Python also supports JSON through a built-in package called "JSON."
The JSON package in Python offers various tools for working with JSON objects, such as parsing, serializing, deserializing, and more.
# Example { "name": "John Doe", "age": 30, "is_student": false, "hobbies": ["reading", "painting", "gardening"] }
Convert JSON to python object :
json.loads() method can be used to parse a valid JSON string and convert it into a Python Dictionary.
import json # JSON string student = '{"id":"20", "name": "Shera", "department":"CS"}' print("This is JSON", type(student)) print("\nNow convert from JSON to Python") # Convert string to Python dict student_dict = json.loads(student) print("Converted to Python", type(student_dict)) print(student_dict)
Convert python object to JSON :
Here json.dumps() function will convert a subset of Python objects into a JSON string
import json # JSON string student_dict = {'id': '20', 'name': 'Shera', 'department': 'CS'} print("This is Python", type(student_dict)) print("\nNow Convert from Python to JSON") # Convert Python dict to JSON json_object = json.dumps(student_dict, indent=4) # indent parameter specifies the spaces that are # used at the beginning of a line print("Converted to JSON", type(json_object)) print(json_object)
YAML : YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAML is a data serialisation format that allows for script interaction. It is commonly used to create configuration files because it prioritises human readability over JSON.
Can be installed using pip :
pip install PyYAML # YAML example name: John Doe age: 30 is_student: false hobbies: - reading - painting - gardening
Hands-On Practice⌨️
Task1 :
Create a Dictionary in Python and write it to a json File .
import json
# Create the employee dictionary
employee = {
"name": "Kumar Ankit",
"age": 23,
"job_title": "Software Engineer",
"department": "Engineering"
# Printing dict data
print("This is Python Dictionary: \n",employee,type(employee))
print("\nNow Convert from Python to JSON")
# Convert Python dict to JSON , serializing json
json_object = json.dumps(employee, indent=4)
# indent parameter specifies the spaces that are
# used at the beginning of a line
print("Converted to JSON", type(json_object))
# Printing json object
Task 2 :
Read a json file services.json kept in this folder and print the service names of every cloud service provider.
"services": {
"debug": "on",
"aws": {
"name": "EC2",
"type": "pay per hour",
"instances": 500,
"count": 500
"azure": {
"name": "VM",
"type": "pay per hour",
"instances": 500,
"count": 500
"gcp": {
"name": "Compute Engine",
"type": "pay per hour",
"instances": 500,
"count": 500
# solution 1
# creat a .py file in same directory where json file is stored
import json
with open("services.json","r") as file :
data = json.loads(
for k,v in data['services'].items():
print(k+ ":" +v['name'])
# solution 2
import json
with open("services.json") as s:
# converting it to python dict
data = json.load(s)
print("type: ", type (data))
print("aws:", data['services']['aws']['name'])
print("azure:", data['services']['azure']['name'])
print("gcp:", data['services']['gcp']['name'])
Task 3:
Read YAML file using python, file services.yaml and read the contents to convert yaml to json
debug: 'on'
name: EC2
type: pay per hour
instances: 500
count: 500
name: VM
type: pay per hour
instances: 500
count: 500
name: Compute Engine
type: pay per hour
instances: 500
count: 500
# yaml.load() function parses and converts a YAML object to a Python dictionary
import yaml
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader
import json
# Open the YAML file and load its contents
with open('services.yaml','r') as s:
data = yaml.load(s , Loader=SafeLoader)
# now convert to dictionaryand then to a json string using json.dumps()
with open('new_json','w') as json_f:
final_output = json.dumps(json.load(open('new_json')),indent=4)
print("json_file :\n",final_output)
Stay tuned for more updates and more hands-on practice
HAppy Learning :D