Day01 : TWS BashBlaze Challenge ๐ฅ
Task 1: Comments
In bash scripts, comments are used to add explanatory notes or disable certain lines of code. Your task is to create a bash script with comments explaining what the script does.
Task 2: Echo
The echo command is used to display messages on the terminal. Your task is to create a bash script that uses echo to print a message of your choice.
Task 3: Variables
Variables in bash are used to store data and can be referenced by their name. Your task is to create a bash script that declares variables and assigns values to them.
Task 4: Using Variables
Now that you have declared variables, let's use them to perform a simple task. Create a bash script that takes two variables (numbers) as input and prints their sum using those variables.
Task 5: Using Built-in Variables
Bash provides several built-in variables that hold useful information. Your task is to create a bash script that utilizes at least three different built-in variables to display relevant information.
Task 6: Wildcards
Wildcards are special characters used to perform pattern matching when working with files. Your task is to create a bash script that utilizes wildcards to list all the files with a specific extension in a directory.
#Task 1: Comments
# First line of the script is the shebang which tells the system how to execute and is used to specify the correct shell to use for a shell script
# Task 2: Echo
# Used for displaying lines of text or string which are passed as arguments on the command line
echo "Hello , Welcome to my GitHub"
# Task 3: Variables
# A variable is a character string to which we assign a value, we have assigned "Hello" to f1 and "Doston" to f2
# Task 4: Using Variables
# In this we takes/ read two numbers as input and print their sum.
read -p "Enter the first number: " num1
read -p "Enter the second number: " num2
sum=$((num1 + num2))
echo "Sum of $num1 and $num2 is: $sum"
# Task 5: Using Built-in Variables
# Builtin shell variables are predefined
echo "My current bash path - $BASH"
echo "Bash version I am using - $BASH_VERSION"
echo "PID of bash I am running - $$"
echo "My home directory - $HOME"
echo "Where am I currently? - $PWD"
echo "My hostname - $HOSTNAME"
echo "I am Using - $OSTYPE"
# Task 6: Wildcards
# Allow the matching of files in an abstracted way
echo "Files with .sh extension in the current directory:"
ls *.sh
echo " lets create 10 txt files using single command"
touch day{1..10}.txt
#Make sure to provide execution permission with the following command:
#chmod +x