Day-06: TWS BashBlaze Challenge 🔥
The Mysterious Script
# Welcome to the Mysterious Script Challenge!
# Your task is to unravel the mystery behind this script and understand what it does.
# Once you've deciphered its objective, your mission is to improve the script by adding comments and explanations for clarity.
# DISCLAIMER: This script is purely fictional and does not perform any harmful actions.
# It's designed to challenge your scripting skills and creativity.
# Function to perform mysterious transformations
mysterious_function() {
local input_file="$1"
local output_file="$2"
# Step 1: Apply a Caesar cipher-like transformation (rotate letters by 13 positions)
tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m' < "$input_file" > "$output_file"
# Step 2: Reverse the content of the output file
rev "$output_file" > "reversed_temp.txt"
# Step 3: Generate a random number between 1 and 10
random_number=$(( ( RANDOM % 10 ) + 1 ))
# Mystery loop: Repeat the following steps 'random_number' times
for (( i=0; i<$random_number; i++ )); do
# Step 4: Reverse the content of 'reversed_temp.txt'
rev "reversed_temp.txt" > "temp_rev.txt"
# Step 5: Apply the same Caesar cipher-like transformation on the reversed content
tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m' < "temp_rev.txt" > "temp_enc.txt"
# Step 6: Replace 'reversed_temp.txt' with the newly encrypted content
mv "temp_enc.txt" "reversed_temp.txt"
# Clean up temporary files
rm "temp_rev.txt"
# The mystery continues...
# Step 7: Reverse the final content and save it to the output file
rev "reversed_temp.txt" > "$output_file"
# Step 8: Clean up remaining temporary files
rm "reversed_temp.txt"
# The mystery concludes!
# Main Script Execution
echo "Welcome to the Mysterious Script Challenge!"
echo "Please provide an input file and an output file."
# Ask for input and output file paths
read -p "Enter the input file path: " input_file
read -p "Enter the output file path: " output_file
# Check if the input file exists
if [ ! -f "$input_file" ]; then
echo "Error: Input file not found!"
exit 1
# Call the mysterious function to begin the process
mysterious_function "$input_file" "$output_file"
# Display the mysterious output
echo "The mysterious process is complete. Check the '$output_file' for the result!"
Restaurant Order System Challenge
# Function to read and display the menu from menu.txt file
function display_menu() {
echo "Welcome to the Restaurant!"
echo "Menu:"
local menu_file="menu.txt"
local item_number=1
# Read and display menu items and prices from menu.txt
while IFS=',' read -r item price; do
echo "$item_number. $item - ₹$price"
done < "$menu_file"
# Function to calculate the total bill
function calculate_total_bill() {
local total=0
local menu_file="menu.txt"
# Create an associative array to store menu item prices
declare -A item_prices
while IFS=',' read -r item price; do
done < "$menu_file"
# Calculate the total bill based on the order
for item_number in "${!order[@]}"; do
subtotal=$((price * quantity))
total=$((total + subtotal))
echo "$total"
# Function to handle invalid user input
function handle_invalid_input() {
echo "Invalid input! Please enter a valid item number and quantity."
# Main script
# Ask for the customer's name
echo -n "Please enter your name: "
read customer_name
# Ask for the order
echo "Please enter the item number and quantity (e.g., 1 2 for two Burgers):"
read -a input_order
# Process the customer's order
declare -A order
for (( i=0; i<${#input_order[@]}; i+=2 )); do
# Calculate the total bill
# Display the total bill with a personalized thank-you message
echo "Thank you, $customer_name! Your total bill is ₹$total_bill."
Recursive Directory Search Challenge
# Check if exactly two arguments are provided
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <directory> <target file>"
exit 1
# Define a recursive function to search for the target file
recursive_search() {
local dir="$1"
local target="$2"
# Loop through entries (files and directories) in the given directory
for entry in "$dir"/*; do
if [ -f "$entry" ] && [ "$(basename "$entry")" = "$target" ]; then
# If a file with the target name is found, print its path and exit
echo "File found: $entry"
exit 0
elif [ -d "$entry" ]; then
# If an entry is a directory, recursively search within it
recursive_search "$entry" "$target"
# Get the search directory and target file from command-line arguments
# Check if the specified directory exists
if [ ! -d "$search_directory" ]; then
echo "Directory not found: $search_directory"
exit 1
# Get the absolute path of the search directory
absolute_path=$(cd "$search_directory" && pwd)
# Initiate the recursive search
recursive_search "$absolute_path" "$target_file"
# If target file is not found, print an error message
echo "File not found: $target_file"
exit 1
Kindly visit my github Repo for detailed documentation: